The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

them in more detail later in the book. The church is a second

ark that must be built anywhere and everywhere to rescue

and disciple the harvest that is ready to receive the life of

the Kingdom of God.

4. The God given sign of the truth of Noah’s message was the

supernatural arrival of every kind of animal in multiple pairs.

The second ark is also a vessel that will present signs and

wonders resulting in transformed lives. God’s glorious

presence and signs and wonders in people's lives will be

seen by cities and nations confirming the truth of the gospel.

5. It is important to recognize in Noah’s story that it was a

family effort that built the ark and preached to the people of

their time. The family is the foundation of everything in

society and especially is true of the church. Spiritual arks

are formed from the family on up. The church always begins

with two or more (Matt. 18:19). I want to enlarge on this

more later, but for me this is a crucial insight the Lord has

provided in the building of spiritual arks.

Today there is only one visible vessel God is constructing, and

to which He is bringing people, and that is the church. God is

patiently building His church anywhere and everywhere,

through anyone. But let's be clear, these arks are not just

church buildings and Sunday-morning-only programs.

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