The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
five insights about preparing the church for God’s coming
harvest movement.
1. Every ark needs God’s leading and plan to form it. God
chose Noah and gave him detailed directions. In building
His church (the second ark) Jesus also gave His disciples
detailed instructions in how to build His church. This is what
this book touches on, how the Lord wants His people to
awaken, study His word and by faith form spiritual vessels
for the rescuing of billions — lifting them out of violence and
corruption into a transformed life of the kingdom of God.
This book seeks to add to this effort to provide the why, the
what, and the how in building spiritual arks in your home,
community, city, and nation.
2. The ark was a physically unavoidable work that caught
people's attention and caused them to ask questions. God
wants us as His people to raise up good works and solutions
that catch the eye of the lost. The Church has, in Christ, the
solutions for the problems facing people and nations. I love
what Dr. Ed Silvoso declares in his book Ekklesia, “that the
premier social indicator of spiritual transformation (or the
kingdom of God in action) is the elimination of the four levels
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