The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
The Flood swept away the evil social and political structures of
Noah’s day. God showed his mercy by calling Noah to build the
ark over a long period of time, while preaching repentenance to
his generation. The opportunity for their repentance passed
when the rains began. Only Noah, his family, and their animal
passengers were saved.
We know that story well; but how do we understand this new
revelation of “ark building” for today?
It is Peter who helps us see a greater meaning to the ark story.
In 1 Peter 3:1 he pointed out that Noah’ s Flood represented the
destruction of that era’s sin and evil. Peter’s allegory likens the
flood to a baptism — burying the old sin nature and allowing the
one being baptized to rise above death and judgment in a new
life in Christ.
Understanding this, we can discern a clear spiritual application.
We are commanded to not only baptize people but nations
according to Jesus’ commission (Matt. 28:19). We are to teach
nations all that Jesus has commanded, submerging them in His
truth, causing them to then rise into new existence in Jesus
Christ. The gospel is the means for every culture to be cleansed
and elevated to a greater way of life.
Here is where my calling and the calling of many others fits into
the picture: As with Noah, preparation is everything . Noah took
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