The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Appendix Three
A Vision of Arks
From a May 24, 2021, interview by Randy Clark with Larry Randolph of Living Rain Ministries, Global Awakening YouTube Channel.
I had a shock in late spring 2021. I was listening to a YouTube
video of an interview by Randy Clark of Global Awakening,
speaking with Larry Randolph of Living Rain Ministries. Larry
Randolph shared a vision and a calling he had received from
the Lord in 1987 — more than 30 years earlier.
As he described it, the Lord told him to prepare His people for
a flood of shaken and searching peoples — something that
would sweep away great works of evil and leave a clear field
for the church to harvest millions into the Kingdom of God. He
went on to say that in his vision he saw the building of spiritual
“ arks ” to prepare the church for this unprecedented onrush.
And Jesus had opened Larry’s vision by saying, “ As it was in
the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the coming of the
son of Man.”
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