The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

people to great and audacious faith in believing God to be

increasingly bold and supernatural in expressing His love

and kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It is time to move

mountains in Jesus name!

4. The church must seek a new reformation in how we are to

do church. This means the church must refocus on the

foundational understanding of the idea of the church of “two

or more” where God’s people can gather anywhere at any

time through anyone one to reveal the life and ministry of

Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Only such a paradigm

of the essential church will allow it to shepherd and disciple

the vast and rapidly growing harvest.

5. God is going to restore the prophetic voice and ministry of

the church through the coming Elijah visitation. This great

end time prophetic movement will confront the decline of the

church and inspire its restoration and glorification in the

days ahead.

6. Out of the Elijah Movement will come spiritual fathers and

mothers to help restore God’s backslidden children who will

then help in the great renewal of the church. We must

recognize, train and honor these God given spiritual


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