The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
The earth had become intolerably corrupt and violent and
disobedient to God. So God determined to judge mankind for
how badly it had degenerated and how evil it had become in
thought and deed. Such living, I am sure, created multiple
crises and deplorable living conditions but no one was turning
back to God. And yet God who is rich in mercy found a
righteous family who He could use to extend one last effort to
redeem humanity from destruction. Many see Noah and the
flood as a story of shocking judgment but it is more than that, it
is a story of amazing mercy from a broken hearted creator.
God’s Salvation Ship
As I have carefully studied the scriptures dealing with the ark of
Noah, one thing clearly stands out: The ark was a salvation ship
to lift those who would obey God out of condemnation into a
new and better life.
The idea of the ark in early Christianity became a symbol of
rescue and deliverance and salvation. The underground
catacombs of Rome, where early Christians met secretly for
worship, had many pictures of the ark on the catacomb walls.
The ark was to them a picture of Jesus’ providing the way of
salvation for all of mankind.
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