The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
The Lord impressed again on me that this movement would be
something the church has not yet seen in size and scope in a
worldwide touch of cities and nations.
The time had come for me to get myself ready. Over the next
several weeks, as I prayed about my new assignment, the Lord
gave me two objectives.
Objective One
The first objective the Lord gave me was - “Build me an ark.”
This sudden thought made me stop. I felt the word was from
the Lord but honestly, I had no idea what He meant.
I went into one of the Sunday school classrooms at my church,
found a picture of Noah’s ark, brought it into my office, and
taped it to the wall behind my desk. It became a point of focus
for me in my prayer times. But as I mulled over the familiar
images of Noah hammering away on the Arks hull, and animals
going in two by two, I felt no closer to understanding the
It has taken me years to fully understand what God meant by
this challenge. It has been a slow transformative journey of God
dealing with me as much as giving me clarification in what He
wants me to teach. But I can say that today I have a firm grip
on what I believe the Lord was assigning me to say and do.
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