The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

governmental structure. What a tremendous opportunity God

has given to YWAM.

I had always believed Jesus’ prediction in Matthew 24:14 that

the gospel would be preached “in” all nations. But for me this

meant that the gospel, to some degree, would penetrate every

nation, saving a percentage of people who lived in those

nations. I felt that God would have to determine how deep the

gospel would need to penetrate in each city and nation before

He was satisf ied that the gospel had “reached” that people


But that is not what Jesus commissioned His church to do.

As I continued to research this issue for myself in scripture, I

became convinced that Jesus meant for the church to disciple

and baptize nations and cities as well as individuals. I also

come to understand that this is what God meant when He

asked me to build an “ark” — a divine container that the harvest

could flow into — experiencing kingdom values of peace, joy

and righteousness. Modern arks include cities and nations.

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