The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter Nineteen

Reaching Cities and Nations

Remember, God is going to shake nations, not just individuals.

Isaiah said that it would be “nations that would stream into the

house of God” (Isa. 2:2).

One of the key truths that God is highlighting today in the

thinking of the church is boldly embracing all that the Great

Commission says. Jesus’ marching orders were for us to “go

and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them. …”

Do you think Jesus really meant for us to disciple and baptize

nations? Jesus would never have said it if He did not mean it.

If this is true, then many of us need to rethink our picture of the

finish line for the church in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Already I have shown you that scripture speaks of a vast

harvest of not just people but nations. We see this in the

predictions of prophets like Haggai, Isaiah, and Zechariah. But

because many believers and church leaders struggle with

believing that the church can spiritually transform a city or

nation today, we have allowed ourselves to set a much lower

bar for fulfilling Jesus’ commission.

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