The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

The millions of new churches and leaders that will be needed

to reach the billions of unbelievers in the world today will

demand thousands of new apostolic networks. I believe that

God wants to raise up thousands of such networks and

apostolic leaders to support the coming great movements of

church growth.

To fulfill the apostolic work facing the church today will require

a coordinated effort by churches, Bible colleges, seminaries,

and apostolic ministries. These must embrace the reforms that

will be necessary to deal with the greatest harvest the church

has yet seen.

I appeal to existing and future apostolic leaders of the church:

We need your calling, gifting, and dedication to get God’s

church ready. It is you who must seek God for Spirit-blessed

strategies in dynamic church growth. It is a high calling, and

costly. Will you answer the prophetic call and embrace your

servant leadership role in the coming reformation?

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