The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

and then joined him. The key to audacity is not what we are

trying to do but what God is doing. This means spending more

time close to God in prayer and worship, and sharpening our

sense for recognizing when He as at work — and joining Him.

I may fail many times in praying for someone, but as I learn to

recognize God’s promptings at work and His voice, I get better

— and so will you. The key is whether we focus on God or on

the problem.

In the movie Star Wars the Jedi master Yoda tells his student

Luke Skywalker — who is faced with the daunting prospect of

trying to move a half-submerged X-wing fighter out of a swamp

by use of The Force — “ Size matters not! ” In other words, the

level of faith in The Force needed to raise a space ship from

the mire was no more than that needed to lift a pebble.

As much as I eschew the impersonal “F orce ” concept

underlying those films, in a sense Yoda is correct. Great faith

is not the ability to handle bigger and bigger things. Growing

faith must arrive at the point that the size of what we are facing

or the size of the assignment God has given to us is irrelevant.

With God nothing is impossible (Matt. 17:20; Phil. 4:13). The

important thing is the size of God in our mind, and discerning

what He is doing and stepping out to join him. Being spiritually

audacious is nothing more than joining God in his audacity.

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