The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Study and Reflection

1. In Part Sx we reviewed the striking evidence throughout

scripture of God’s audacity in reaching out to lost humanity.

We must not overlook the heart of God behind His audacity:

His audacious love. Consider that God is willing to sacrifice

what He loves the most — His sons and daughters — to win

the most stubborn and violent of hardened sinners.

2. When a believer suffers for the cause of Christ, there are

three works of grace in his or her life. Review these:

• Such suffering brings greater Christ-likeness to a

believer — breaking the power of sin in their life.

• Redemptive suffering allows the Holy Spirit to rest on a

believer, manifesting God’s glory (His presence and


• Nothing speaks louder and more clearly to the lost than

courage of believers to lay down their lives to share the

gospel before them. “ Greater love has no one than this:

to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).

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