The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Study and Reflection

1. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God’s heart and person.

Review Heb. 1:1-3 and consider the audacious authority of

Jesus over sickness, Satan and death. He said this type of

authority demonstrated the fact that He was sent by God to

bring the rule of God to earth and reveal the arrival of His

Kingdom (John 5:36).

2. Notice Jesus’ training of His disciples to have audacious

faith in how He taught them to pray. Review Matt.21:21;

Luke 17:5-6; John 14:12-14; John 5:17,19-20.

3. Consider again the audacity of the Great Commission in

Matt. 28:18-20 and Mark 15:15-20. What religious leader

has ever given such a commission to his or her disciples

when their movement was most in question.

4. Is God being audacious today through His church? What

have you seen God doing?

5. Where is your faith? Can you believe God to be audacious

through your life and ministry? Is this an area you need to

allow the Holy Spirit to prepare you for what God wants to

do through your life.

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