The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Part Five
Israel and the Great Harvest
In the last chapter it may have sounded like I was minimizing
the role that natural Israel will play in the coming harvest of
the nations. In no way do I want to suggest that. As Paul
prayed and taught in Romans 11, natural Israel will be brought
back into God’s salvation history and will embrace its messiah
in the last days. God is going to powerfully use Israel before and after its national conversion to bring in the great harvest. 17
One of the amazing truths I enjoyed dealing with in writing this
book is the role Israel will play in the coming great harvest.
Paul clearly teaches that at the end of this age, when the time
of the gentile church reaches its apex, the spiritual blindness
over Israel will be broken — opening the door for it to
recognize Jesus as its messiah and enter the new covenant
(Rom. 11:25-27).
17 I was tempted to put this section later in the book, as a topic under the section about God’s audacious actions to awaken the nations to the reality and salvation in Jesus Christ. But Israel’s restoration into the new covenant will be one of God’s truly singular acts in revealing Himself to the world.
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