The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Study and Reflection
1. Review John 4:32-38. Does the definition given for the
harvest field fit what Jesus was declaring? Do you agree
that Jesus’ greatest desire was to see the world come to
faith through His saving life and work for them?
2. Can you see that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the
Jewish celebration of Pentecost relates to the Lord initiating
the harvest of lost men and women into the Kingdom of
God? Do you agree that if Pentecost represents the first
fruits of the great harvest, then the Feast of Tabernacles
can also be a prophetic picture of celebrating the full harvest
of the church age?
3. Did Jesus anticipate a great and vast harvest of people into
the Kingdom of God by the church? Review Matt. 13:31-33;
Matt. 24:14; Hab. 2:14; Isa.11:9.
4. Considering the historical growth of the world's population
and the growth of church over the last two millennia, was
Jesus’ anticipation of exponential church growth justified?
Should we expect an even greater work of the Holy Spirit in
reaching the remaining two-thirds of the world's population,
to complete the Great Commission?
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