The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Global population has increased at a staggering rate through
those two milennia (as anyone who remembers Paul R.
Ehrlich's 1968 blockbuster book The Population Bomb can
attest) . At the time of Christ’s birth, the worl d was estimated to
hold fewer than 300 million people. By 1804 A . D . global
population had grown to one billion people. Yet barely over a
century later, in 2012 A . D ., it had ballooned to seven billion
Let's look at that again: It took eighteen hundred years for the
world population to reach its first billion people. But it took just
another 208 years for it to jump from that to seven billion
people. Some estimates now hold that in a little more than three
decades (if not sooner) we will be at nine billion people.
Those are truly stunning numbers. But in comparison, how has
the church grown in all that time?
The late Dr. Ralph Winters was founder of the U.S. Center of
World Missions and former editor of its magazine, Missions
Frontiers. In 2009 he published an article that provides the
answer to our question.
Dr. Winters stated that in 100 A . D . there was just one believer
for every 360 people in the world. By 1000 A . D . there was one
believer for every 270 people in the world. By 1500 A . D . the ratio
had shifted to one believer for every 85 people in the world.
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