The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
draw water for the day. Yet as Jesus rested, He saw a lone
woman approaching.
What transpired was one of the most significant exchanges
recorded in the New Testament. (You can read it in John 4.) As
the woman came near, God gave Jesus insight into her life. He
astonished her by asking for a drink: Not only did Jews avoid
associating with Samaritans, men customarily did not speak to
women. Yet as the two began to talk, He watched as the Holy
Spirit drew her heart to faith in Him as the Messiah. This was
what He had come for: T o bring the lost to faith in God’s
salvation, through His life and witness.
After the woman left, the disciples encouraged Jesus to eat.
But He surprised them by saying He had eaten food they did
not yet understand. The food that satisfied His soul was to do
the will of God — to cause people to believe in Him as the
promised Savior. Then Jesus exhorted His disciples to open
their eyes, look beyond their prejudices, and see a vast harvest
field of people ready to enter the kingdom of God.
What is the “ H arvest?”
God has always had it in His heart to bring fallen man, and
fallen Creation, back into a redeemed relationship with Himself
(Gen. 3:15, Gen. 12:3-4; Rom. 8:19-22).
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