The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Part Four

The Great Harvest (God’s Passion)

We have seen God’s nation -shaking will reveal that apart from

Him there are no answers to the human heart’s cry for peace

and stability. Unsettled times and widespread desperation

create what scripture characterizes as a ripe and ready harvest


As the church rises up with this good news, and lives out the

unshakable life of the Kingdom of God by the power of the Holy

Spirit, people and nations will be drawn toward the church and

the person of Jesus.

The Bible is very clear: This shaking of nations will be effective.

God does not work by trial and error. Vast numbers of people

— even entire nations — will receive Christ as their savior.

A staggeringly great harvest of humanity is coming — and the

church must get ready to receive, disciple, and pastor it.

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