The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Study and Reflection

1. We have received the gift of the Kingdom of God. It is

invisible to the natural eye, but it is a real place in the heart

of every believer. God develops the “eyes of our heart” to

see the life of heaven here on earth. Read Eph. 1:18, where

Paul prays for us to use the “eyes of our heart” to see all

that Jesus has given us through His shed blood. Right now,

pray for spiritual sight to see His kingdom at work in you and

around you each day.

2. Review Heb. 12:18-29 and Eph. 2:6 . In your own words, list

the differences between the experience of the two

covenants. Take time to reflect on when, during worship or

devotional times, you had breakthroughs in experiencing

the Lord's presence. Have you ever overheard heavenly

worship, seen an angel, or sensed the holy encouragement

of heavenly witnesses?

3. Seek ways to manifest the Kingdom so that you may bring

it near family, friends, and your neighborhood. Be willing to

reveal the Kingdom as you pray for others’ healing and their

deliverance from oppression. Have confidence that you are

a doorway through which people can see and experience

the Kingdom of heaven.

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