The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mat 22:22-27

k. 22:22 And when they heard it, they marveled, kai aKOUsan-tes, eTHAUma-san, and left him, and went away. kai aPHENtes auTON, aPELthan. E. 22:23-33 JESUS THWARTS SADDUCEES ON RESURRECTION TRICK a. 22:23-24 THE SUDDUCEES FOLLOW UP ON HYPOCRISY OF PHARISEES On that :day Sadducees came to him saying En eKEIne heMEra proSELthon auTO Sad-douKAIoi LEgon-tes that there is no resurrection: and they questioned him, me EInai aNAsta-sin: kai e-peROte-san auTON, 24 saying, Teacher, Moses said, LEgon-tes, DiDAska-le, Mo-uSES EIpen, If one die having no children, E-AN tis a-poTHAne me Echon TEKna, his :brother shall marry his :wife, e-pi-gamBREUsei ho a-delPHOS auTOU ten guNAIka auTOU, and raise up seed to his :brother. kai a-naSTEsei SPERma to a-delPHO auTOU. b. 22:25-26 THEIR PLOY Now seven brethren were with us: Esan de par' heMIN hepTA a-delPHOI: and the first married and deceased, kai ho PROtos GEmas e-teLEUte-sen, and having no seed left his :wife kai me Echon SPERma aPHEken ten guNAIka auTOU to his :brother; to a-delPHO auTOU; 26 likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seven. hoMOIos kai ho DEUte-ros, kai ho TRItos, HEos ton hepTA.

c. 22:27 And after them all, the woman died. HUste-ron de PANton, aPEtha-nen he guNE.


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