The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
42:2, 4
All the peoples
You were hypocrites in your hearts
-HUHPLDK·V %RRN RI Lamentations
Outline of the Book of Lamentations
I. The Destruction of Jerusalem (1:1-22): ´:RUWKOHVV &KHDS $EMHFWµ
A. Lament of the Prophet (1:1-11) B. Lament of Jerusalem (1:12-22) II. The Anger of God (2:1-22): ´*RG :DONHG $ZD\ IURP +LV +RO\ 7HPSOHµ A. The Anger of God (2:1-9) B. The Agony of Jerusalem (2:10-17) C. -HUXVDOHP·V $SSHDO -22) III. -HUHPLDK·V 3UD\HU IRU 0HUF\ -66): ´/RFNHG XS LQ 'HHS 'DUNQHVVµ A. Cry of Despair (3:1-18) B. Confession of Faith (3:19-39) C. Condition of Need (3:40-54) D. Confidence in God 3:55-66) IV. The Siege of Jerusalem (4:1-22) ´:DNLQJ 8S ZLWK 1RWKLQJµ
A. Conditions During the Siege (4:1-10) B. Cause of the Siege (4:11-20) C. Consequences of the Siege (4:21-22)
V. Restore! ´*LYH 8V D )UHVK 6WDUWµ
A. The Need (5:1-15) B. Repentance of Sin (5:16-18) C. The Great Request (5:19-22)
Lamentations describes the funeral of a city. It is a tearstained portrait of the once proud Jerusalem, now reduced to rubble by the invading Babylonian hordes. In a five-poem dirge, Jeremiah exposes his emotions. A death has occurred: Jerusalem lies barren
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