The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
When Nahum prophesied, Assyria was at the height of its prosperity. No enemy in its neighborhood [sic] was left unsubdued; the distant Egypt had submitted to its arms; Phoenicia and Cyprus owned its sway [control]; Judah paid annual tribute; commercial enterprise had drawn unto it the riches of all nations. No one at this epoch could have foreseen the speedy end of this prosperity. Nahum needed a single-hearted courage and a full persuasion of the truth of his mission to denounce the crimes of this flourishing kingdom, and to proclaim its coming downfall (emphasis added). 6
Outline of the Book of Nahum ´7KH 'HVWUXFWLRQ RI 1LQHYHKµ
Destruction/Vengeance Decreed (1:1-15) ´$ SVDOP RI *RG·V PDMHVW\µ
A. Principles of Divine Judgment (1:1-8) B. Destruction of Nineveh/Deliverance of Judah (1:9-1
Destruction/Vengeance Described (2:1-13) ´'HVFULSWLRQ RI 1LQHYHK·V GHVWUXFWLRQµ A. Call to Battle (2:1-2) B. The Destruction of Nineveh (2:3-13) Destruction Deserved (3:1-19) ´5HDVRQV IRU 1LQHYHK·V GHVWUXFWLRQµ 9LQGLFDWLRQ RI WKH /25'·6 $FWLRQ
A. Ungodly Ways Demand Retribution (3:1-7) B. Likened to Ungodly City of No Anon (3:8-11) C. 1LQHYHK·V 'HVWUXFWLRQ ,QHYLWDEOH -19) 1. The Strongholds are Weak (3:12-15) 2. And, So Are the Leaders Weak (3:16-19)
The eighth century prophets are usually dated by one or more kings, but since this is not true of Nahum, we must look for any internal evidence available within the book. Two bits of information emerge: 1. The destruction of the city of No in Egypt. This city was actually No Amon ( Thebes, a capital FLW\ RI RQH VHFWLRQ RI (J\SW GHVWUR\HG E\ WKH $VV\ULDQ $VKXUEDQLSDO LQ % & 1DKXP·V SURSKHF\ must have been given after it happened (3:8-10), since the event is said to have already happened.
6 The Pulpit Commentary : Nuhum. 2004 (H. D. M. Spence-Jones, Ed.) (ii). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
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