The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
The Book of Zephaniah This book is only three chapters long and the two opening chapters are such a diatribe against sin that a reader might be inclined to put the book aside and look for something more pleasant! Nevertheless, the reader that endures will find the contrasting, last chapter worth it all. $V * &DPSEHOO 0RUJDQ FRPPHQWHG ´,I \RX FXW RXW WKDW ODVW SDUW RI =HSKDQLDK WKHQ KH KDV QR distinctive message. It is not the first part, but the second part of the prophecy that is the message RI =HSKDQLDK µ 1 To really understand why the prophet spoke as he did and why he thought as He did ² and why God would choose to use this unusual man, we need to have some background information. As you read keep in mind that KLV QDPH PHDQV ´7KH /25' KLGHVµ RU ´7KH /25' KDV KLGGHQ µ
Outline of the Book of Zephaniah
Judgment in the Day of the LORD (1:1-3:9)
A. On the Whole Earth (1:2-3) B. On the Nation of Judah (1:4-2:3) C. On Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Ethiopia & Assyria (West, East, South & North) (2:4-13)
D. On Jerusalem (3:1-7) E. On All Nations (3:8)
Salvation in the Day of the LORD (3:9-3:20)
A. A Righteous Remnant Will Be Saved (3:9-13) B. Restoration of Jerusalem, God Will Rejoice (3:14-20)
A King, a Prophet, a Book and a Prophetess Zephaniah lived in Jerusalem while the good king Josiah reigned. Usually, the scholars FDQ·W QDLO WKH GDWH GRZQ exactly on these Major and Minor prophets, but Zephaniah is an exception; that is, the date would be some time during the thirty-two years that Josiah was king of Judah (638-608 B. C., in the late seventh century). Both Josiah and Zephaniah were great-great grandsons of the good King Hezekiah (1:1), with about 100 years intervening between them and grandpa; Zephaniah was the fourth generation from Hezekiah, while Josiah was third in direct descent from Hezekiah. Zephaniah, therefore, was a prince of the royal house of David (the only prophet of royal descent), while Josiah was in the direct line to inherit the throne. The two men were probably about the same age, with Zephaniah possibly somewhat younger.
1 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets, p. 110.
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