The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

Chapters 4 through 7 The glorious promise of the coming kingdom opens chapter 4 and chapter 5 and speaks of the future Messianic king. As a person reads this amazing book, one cannot help but notice the sharp contrast between the glorious restoration of the latter days and the imminent judgment VKRUWO\ WR FRPH WR SDVV LQ 0LFDK·V GD\ Micah 6:1- ´XVHV D IDPLOLDU SURSKHWLF GHYLFH +H SLFWXUHV D FRXUWURRP DQG *RG presenting His case. God has serious accusations to make against this people whom He has cared IRU DQG ORYHG µ 14 The LORD Himself is the plaintiff and Israel the defendant. *RG·V FU\ RI ´+HDU µ (1:2; 6:1, 2) is lawsuit terminology and clearly shows both the judicial character and gracious loving heart of Almighty God, the Sovereign of the universe.

G. Campbell Morgan gives a classic thought to summarize Micah:

The one hope of a perfect system of government is that of the coming of *RG·V RZQ .LQJ +H FDPH WR OD\ IRXQGDWLRQV +H ZLOO FRPH DJDLQ WR EULQJ RQ WKH WRS VWRQH« $OO WKH ZRUOG RYHU PHQ DUH trying to find the perfect system, but there is only one perfect system, and that is the absolute monarchy of God Almighty in Jesus Christ. The world will never find its true order and its true peace until all other governors ² whether emperors, kings, or presidents ² have kissed the scepter of the King of kings and reign under His control. That is the great message of Micah. 15


2:7 -- ´,V WKH 6SLULW RI WKH /25' UHVWULFWHG" « 'R QRW 0\ ZRUGV GR JRRG WR KLP ZKR ZDONV XSULJKWO\"µ 3:8 -- ´%XW WUXO\ , DP IXOO RI SRZHU E\ WKH 6SLULW RI WKH /25' µ 4:5 -- ´«EXW ZH ZLOO ZDON LQ WKH QDPH RI WKH /25' RXU *RG µ 4:12 ² ´%XW WKH\ do not know the thoughts of the LORD, nor do they understand His FRXQVHO µ 6:8 ² ´+H KDV VKRZQ \RX 2 PDQ ZKDW LV JRRG DQG ZKDW GRHV WKH /25' UHTXLUH RI you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your *RG"µ 7:6 -- Jesus quoted this verse in Matthew 10:35-36. 7:7 ³´7KHUHIRUH , ZLOO ORRN WR WKH /25' , ZLOO ZDLW IRU WKH *RG RI P\ VDOYDWLRQ P\ *RG ZLOO KHDU PH µ 7:18 ² ´« +H GRHV QRW UHWDLQ +LV DQJHU IRUHYHU EHFDXVH +H GHOLJKWV LQ PHUF\ µ 7:19 ² ´«

14 +D\IRUG¶V %LEOH +DQGERRN p. 245 15 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets, p. 80.


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