The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

UHPDLQLQJ WKLUG RI WKH ERRN LV D PHVVDJH RI KRSH DQG FRQVRODWLRQ *RG·V MXVWLFH ZLOO WULXPSK DQG the divine Deliverer will come. True peace and justice will prevail only when the Messiah reigns. 11

Outline of Micah


Judgment on Present Conditions (1:1-3:12) A. Introduction or Superscription (1:1) B. Judgment on Samaria (1:2-8) C. Judgment on Judah ((1:9-16) D. 5HDVRQV IRU *RG·V :UDWK -11) E. Future Restoration (2:12-13) Judgment on the Leadership (3:1-12) A. Judgment on the Rulers (3:1-4) B. Judgment on the Prophets (3:5-8) C. *RG·V &RQGHPQDWLRQ RI /HDGHUV -12) Promise of Future Restoration (4:1-5:15) A. The Coming Kingdom Promised (4:1-5:1) B. The Coming Messiah-King (5:2-15) 1. Birth of the Messiah (5:2) 2. Rejection of the Messiah (5:1, 3) 3. Ministry of Messiah-Shepherd (5:4-15) The Complaints & Promises of God (6:1-7:20) $ *RG·V 7ZR 3OHDV &RPSODLQWV 0LFDK·V 7ZR 5HSOLHV -7:6) % *RG·V 3URPLVH RI 6DOYDWLRQ Final Victory (7:7-20)




11 The New Open Bible Study Edition (NKJ), p. 1034.


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