The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
unheard of! No person, no king, not anyone but the high priest could offer incense on the altar of incense! Quickly Azariah the priest rallied eighty valiant priests of the LORD. They withstood the king, telling him he had transgressed and would not be honored by God and that he must vacate the temple. $V WKH IXULRXV NLQJ IRXJKW IRU ZRUGV OHSURV\ EURNH RXW RQ KLV IRUHKHDG ´WKH LORD had struc N KLP µ The priests hustled him out and placed him in an isolated house, where he died a leper--stricken by God. In that same year Isaiah had a life- FKDQJLQJ SURSKHWLF H[SHULHQFH +H VDZ ´WKH /25' sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train RI +LV UREH ILOOHG WKH WHPSOH µ )O\LQJ VHUDSKLP FULHG RXW FRQVWDQWO\ ´+RO\ KRO\ KRO\ LV WKH /25' RI KRVWV WKH ZKROH HDUWK LV IXOO RI +LV JORU\ µ The doorposts shook, and the house was filled with smoke! ´ Then I said: ¶ Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The LORD of hosts ·µ Isa. 6:5). Then a seraphim touched his mouth with a live coal from the altar and his iniquity was taken away, and his sin purged. A reverential fear of God swept over the prophet and he UHFRJQL]HG KLV WRWDO LQDGHTXDF\ 8]]LDK KDG GLHG WU\LQJ WR RIIHU ILUH RQ *RG·V DOWDU DQG QRZ one of the seraphim WDNHV *RG·V RZQ ILUH DQG SXUJHV WKH SURSKHW·V OLSV ² for henceforth, he will speak the words of God without compromise or respect of person. The great theme of holiness ² Holy is the LORD! ² that runs through the book finds its origin in this life-transforming experience that enabled him to live the dedicated life and abstain from the worldliness practiced by so many of his fellow Israelites. The Sons of Isaiah ,Q WKH WZR FKDSWHUV LPPHGLDWHO\ IROORZLQJ WKH &DOO RI ,VDLDK WR ´*R DQG WHOO WKLV SHRSOHµ (Isa 6:9), the LORD takes another step to insure His message will be heard. Isaiah and his prophetess-wife are to have two sons, and they will be given unique/meaningful/prophetic names. In Isaiah 8:18 the prophet says: ´ Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel From the LORD of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion µ 5 $OWKRXJK *RG·V QDPHV IRU WKH two children must have been shocking at first, the prophetic parents quickly realized the potential significance of them. Every time one of the sons was addressed, that spoken name was like a mini-prophecy to the people of God. The naming of the children is mentioned in Chapters 7 and 8 IROORZLQJ ,VDLDK·V &DOO , with each name representing a major theme of the message God was sending to Judah and Israel. Thus, the whole family would be signs and wonders, walking in the midst of an apostate nation. The boys · names were: 1. Shear-Jashub (Lit. A Remnant Shall Return) . Isaiah was to take this son and have a surprise PHHWLQJ ZLWK WKH .LQJ $KD] D EDG NLQJ ZKR UHVLVWHG *RG·V ZLOO 7KH VRQ DQG KLV QDPH VWRRG before the king as a sign that the feared Assyrians would eventually be taken away and a IDLWKIXO UHPQDQW RI *RG·V SHRSOH ZRXOG RFFXS\ WKH ODQG 5 Compare Ezekiel 12:6; 24:27; Hebrews 2:13.
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