The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon


This study takes a fresh look at the sixteen Major & Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, seeking both new insights of how God spoke to the nations of Israel and Judah and how God might still speak to His people today. This book is not meant to be the final word on the subject of Prophecy, but rather a sincere effort to examine how God used His Spirit to empower His servants, the prophets. Each prophet in his historical setting has a message for our time. Together, their amazing stories tell RI WKH )DWKHU·V unceasing, great love for His people in spite of their continuous attraction to idolatry and other destructive choices. Some of the greatest stories of faith come out of these ancient episodes, and ZH VHH *RG·V XQUHOHQWLQJ HIIRUWV W o bring His people into the lifestyle which will prosper and help them. I hope this book will bless and benefit you, bringing deeper insight about the heavenly Father who loves and cares deeply about every aspect of your life. May we all be stirred to seek a deeper XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI *RG·V KHDUW DQG WR KHDU WKH YRLFH RI WKH /RUG PRUH clearly than ever before!


Ernest Gentile


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