The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Th Book of H The Book of Hosea a
s ways heart and Hi ·V God ception of the entire Old Testam understand Hosea is to For t Let Let Hose & Unders We Read Should of the Lord are fair a For the ways tful man know the the though the wise man understand the osea 14:9 (Phillips) gives th t sinners shall stumble and fa ood men shall flourish in them ll. nd fa m knowing God perception To But Goo fl Why Should
tand This Book? Unders
se things, nd the es the answer:
r and straight: hem.
with His people. estament, especially in to have a much clearer
hip, Date and Destinatio on
V IURP -XGDK KDG SURSK e scholars think that it som prophesying that long, bu NQ WK NQHOO RI WKH FRXQWU\ µ a as a prophet is that he sou sy and the disasters alread WD hfulness and corruption. H osea was a contemporary o Testament writers. He an of the Prophetical Books ound, but his prophetic min the prophet is the author iod of no less than 128 ye istorical setting in the time k ar th Jonah and Habakku FDOOHG ´QDUUDWLYH VWRULHV µ because of content or in ong the twelve books commo difficu 7KH SURSKHW·V OI wife, and children give rem uses chapters 1-3 to tell Himself feels for His p 7KH SURSKHW V
´WKH /25' VDYHVµ osea 1 orthern kingdom, and Hose edged and quoted by New med part of been an estee We do not know his backgrou ) whose reigns cover a period osea 1:1 clearly gives the h h GJPHQW RQ ,VUDHO·V XQIDLW W ROGHU WKDQ +RVHD $PR s (755-710B.C.?), but year ity. Hosea was not e captiv Hose kn gn
LQ WKH ODVW SDUW RI ,VU years e times of seven kings of the n Hosea, a resident of Israel, KHVLHG D IHZ \HDUV SUHYLR t it could have been at leas but he possibly did prophesy y of Isaiah and Micah. nd Jonah were the only writ r of the Hebrew Scriptu blished, ministry is well esta or of the Old Testament boo
UDHO·V H[LVWHQFH orthern nation Wood has said, , is now a first RXVO\ RI *RG·V seventy years! esy in Israel for UDHO V H[LVWHQFH writing prophets res, being also , and this book book bearing his
from the n acknowled has long bee name. We of Israel, w Hose
Israel for r princi ´7KH handobser FRPLQJ MXG $ SURSKHW at least 45 year before the captiv The Theme he Theme
gn GHDW fore the epentance be cipal significance of Hosea RI WKH SHRSOH·V DSRVW observer
2 sounded a final call to lready begun. As Leon J. Woo
ies. k are themselves stor µ EHFDXVH WKHLU PHVVDJHV nfluence. Hosea is one o monly called Minor Proph gn cult experience causes him emarkable spiritual and mora a remarkable, poignant, people, coloring all he d
t n the stories they tell. Bo ERRNV WKDW KDYH EHHQ al of their smaller size, not becaus is book is classed among
meaning in prophetical e of becaus This
V ILQG JUDSKLF ofthree minor hets, so called
DWLRQVKLS ZLWK *RG +LPVH domestic life of Hosea, his osea, somewhat different, d the anguish that God
im to feel and ral application to tragic story in declares in his
,VUDHO·V UHOD the which understand ,VUDHO V UHOD
1 Q LI RQO\ salvatio PHDQV µVDOYDWLRQ TheNew From 2 Leon J. Wood,
\ WKH QDWLRQ ZLOO WXUQ IURP LGRODWU\ EDFN Q ¶ EXW µ-RVKXD¶ DQG ³-HVXV¶ LQFOXGH DQ ³7KH QDPH w Open Bible Study Edition: (Grand Rapids: The Prophets of Israel , X
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