The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Malachi likes to repeat certain phrases, and Bible readers sometimes become immune to certain ZRUGV )RU LQVWDQFH KH XVHV ´WKH /25' RI KRVWVµ PDQ\ WLPHV EXW WKH VLJQLILFDQFH LV RIWHQ ORVW :KLOH reading The Message, , QRWLFHG WKDW WKRVH ZRUGV DUH WUDQVODWHG ´*R d-of-the-Angel- $UPLHVµ 6XGGHQO\ , found myself counting the twenty-one occurrences in that book! ´6DLWK WKH /25'µ DSSHDUV twenty-five times. Did you notice there are no less than twenty-three TXHVWLRQV LQ WKH ERRN" $QG ´:KHUHIRUH RU :KDWµ thirteen WLPHV ´&XUVHµ seven WLPHV ´ C RYHQDQWµ six times, and ´7UHDFKHURXVO\µ five times.
Outline of the Book of Malachi
I. Although God Loves Israel, She Responds with Rebellion (1:1-2:17)
A. God loves His people (1:2-5) 1. Contrast with Edom (1:2-4) 2. Eternal Condemnation on Edom (1:5) B. The rebellion of the priests (1:6-2:9)
1. Despise My Name, offer defiled food (1:6-14) 2. The Gentiles shall offer pure offerings (1:10; ) 3. You profane table of LORD, offer blemished offerings (1:12 14) C. God threatens to curse the priests (2:1-9) 1. Take it to heart (2:1-2) 2. My Covenant with Levi (2:3-6) 3. You have corrupted the Covenant, shown partiality (2:7-9) D. The rebellion of the people (2:10-17) 1. Profane the Covenant (2:10) 2. Idolaters, yet offer to God (2:11-12) 3. Complacency (2:13) 4. Divorce (2:14-16) a. Deal treacherously with wives (2:14-15) b. God hates divorce (2:16) E. The people rob God (3:6-12) 1. God remains faithful (3:6-12) 2. Robbing God bring His curse (3:8-9) 3. Tithing restores the Blessing, devourer rebuked (3:10-12) F. The people doubt God (3:13-15)
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