The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

3. Purpose: Again, God assured them to be strong, for God was with them (2:1-9). God has covenanted with them and His Spirit is among them. He recognized that this project may not seem as glorious as the former temple, but the latter shall be greater than the former! And, God has determined to shake all nations. 4. Purpose: To expose the unclean so the people can be blessed (2:10-19). If the people are unclean, their offering will automatically be unclean. As they build, God wants them to be undefiled so that His temple will be undefiled. God ·V VHULRXV FKDOOHQJH LV countered with a wonderful SURPLVH ´%XW IURP WKLV GD\ IRUZDUG , ZLOO EOHVV \RXµ Y 19). 5. Purpose: Now that the basics have been addressed, God expands the vision (2:20-23). This is a message for Zerubbabel, leader of the returned Jews, but the intent and SXUSRVH LV DFWXDOO\ D VWDWHPHQW RI *RG·V XOWLPDWH ZLOO IRU WKH 'DYLGLF OLQH Z hich will consummate in the Messianic triumph of Jesus the Christ. Everything will be shaken. Kingdoms and armies will be overthrown. All this will happen through the coming of Messiah Jesus who will trace his lineage through both Joseph and Mary back to David through Zerubbabel. 8

New Testament Application

Haggai 2:6 is quoted in Hebrews 12:26, indicating that God will shake everything in heaven and earth, in RQH ILQDO JUHDW ´VKDNLQJµ ZKHQ &KULVW VKDOO FRPH Haggai 2:7 is a much disputed verse because of WKH XQFHUWDLQW\ RI ZKHWKHU RU QRW ´'HVLUH RI DOO 1DWLRQVµ refers to Christ.

Haggai 2:23 indicates that Zerubbabel becomes the center piece of the Messianic line, like a signet ring, sealing both branches together. 9

8 The MacArthur Study Bible, S ³=HUXEEDEHO DV *RG¶V VLJQHW ULQJ VWDQGV DV WKH RIILFLDO UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RI WKH Davidic dynasty and represents the resumption of the messianic line interrupted by the Exile. ´ 9 The New Open Bible Study Bible, p. 1062.


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