The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Outline of the Book of Haggai 3 Five Terse Prophetic Exhortations
1RWH 7KHVH ILYH GDWHV DUH DOO LQ ´WKH VHFRQG \HDU RI .LQJ 'DULXVµ I. 6 th Month, 1 st day: To Zerubbabel and Joshua (1:1-12) ´%XLOG WKH +RXVHµ Y A. Consider your ways, not the time to neglect House of God B. Reason they are not prospering II. 6 th Month, 24 th day: To the People (1:13-15) ´, DP ZLWK \RXµ A. I am with you B. Everyone worked on temple III. 7 th Month, 21 st day: Zerubbabel, Joshua and People (2:1-9) ´, DP ZLWK \RXµ
A. Be strong, work B. God will shake C. Latter glory greater than former
9 th Month, 24 th day: To the Priests (2:10-19) ´)URP WKLV GD\ , ZLOO EOHVV \RXµ A. Why their offering is unclean B. From this day forward, I will bless you 9 th Month, 24 th day: To Zerubbabel (2:20-23) ´,Q that GD\ , ZLOO PDNH WKHH« µ A. God will overthrow the worldly kingdoms B. David ·V line will come through Zerubbabel
The king encouraged any Jew to return who wanted to go, and he encouraged people to EH JHQHURXV LQ GRQDWLQJ WR WKH YHQWXUH ´7KH HGLFW ZDV UHPDUNDEOH LQ WKDW LW JDYH RUGHUV WKDW WKH Jerusalem temple be rebuilt, DQG WKDW WKH FRVW VKRXOG EH GHIUD\HG IURP &\UXV· RZQ WUHDVXU\ µ 4
3 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets, p. 116: ³,W LV QRWLFHDEOH WKDW IRU WKH ILUVW WLPH D *HQWLOH date is given and Israel counts LWV GD\V E\ WKH UHLJQ RI DQ RXWVLGH .LQJ ´ 4 Leon J. Wood, The Prophets of Israel, p. 366.
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