The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
God. Babylon was probably the leading spiritual battleground of that day, and Daniel and Ezekiel were two champions to make God known. (]HNLHO·V VKLIW LQ IRFXV During the first seven years of ministry in Babylon, Ezekiel FRQVLVWHQWO\ WROG KLV IHOORZ H[LOHV WKDW -HUXVDOHP ZRXOG IDOO WR %DE\ORQ ´7KHLU EHLQJ *RG·V FRYHQDQW SHRSOH DQG -HUXVDOHP·V EHLQJ WKH FLW\ RI KLV temple would not bring their early release from exile or SUHYHQW -HUXVDOHP IURP EHLQJ GHVWUR\HG µ 11 The only thing they could do was live at peace with one another ² and with God during their exile. Inevitably, the change came. The prophet was told that Jerusalem was under siege and would surely fall ² and that his wife would soon die ´7KH GHOLJKW RI KLV H\HV ZRXOG EH WDNHQ IURP KLP MXVW DV WKH WHPSOH WKH GHOLJKW RI ,VUDHO·V H\HV ZRXOG EH WDNHQ IURP KHU µ 12 His wife died on the day the temple was burned, and Ezekiel obediently did not mourn (outwardly) for her. When the news arrived WKDW WKH FLW\ KDG IDOOHQ (]HNLHO·V speech returned, and he adopted a new approach ² comforting, consoling, assuring words (chapters 33-48) for his fellow captives.
New Testament application. The coming Messiah is pictured as a tender twig that becomes a stately cedar on a lofty mountain (17:22-24); the king with the right to rule (21:26-27); the true shepherd who delivers and feeds His flock (34:11-31); and My servant David (34:23-24). There are no direct quotations, but the concept-transfer is very clear: 1:28, the glory of the LORD (Rev 4:3; 10:1); 3:1, eat the scroll (Rev 10:9); 4:14, never defiled myself (Ac 10:14); 5:17, famine, wild beasts, sword (Rev
6); 8:1, hand of LORD on me (Rev 1:17); 9:4, seal servants of God (Rev 7:4); 11:13, death of rebel (Ac 5:5); 12:1, eyes that do not see (Mk 8:18; Ac 28:26); 13:16, cry peace when there is no peace (1 Th 5:3); VRXO WKDW VLQV ZLOO GLH 5RP ZDON LQ *RG·V VWDWXWHV -D m 2:14, 17); 24:14, we will all give account (Rom 14:12); 36:26, sprinkle clean water (Jn 3:5); 47:12, leaves for healing (Rev 22:2).
(]HNLHO KDG RQH RI WKH PRVW GUDPDWLF FDOOV WR PLQLVWU\ UHFRUGHG LQ 6FULSWXUH ´W he word of the /25' FDPH H[SUHVVO\ WR (]HNLHO WKH SULHVWµ Set to function as a priest, he was divinely apprehended to be a prophet (2:5) and a watchman (3:17). The opening vision is stunning and UHPDUNDEOH DQG WKH JUDQGHVW RI WKHP DOO +HDYHQ LV RSHQHG IRU (]HNLHO DQG KH VHHV ´YLVLRQV RI *RG µ that is, he looks upon sights and hears sounds of the heavenly world; these things thunder to his
11 The NIV Study Bible, p. 1227. 12 Ibid.
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