The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

v. 15 ´2 /RUG our God µ -- we have sinned Y ´2 /RUGµ -- I pray, turn wrath away from Jerusalem; your people a reproach Y ´2XU *RGµ -- hear our prayer and supplication; for your sake smile on Jerusalem Y ´2 P\ *RGµ ² see our desolations; invoke His great mercies Y ´2 /RUGµ -- KHDU ´2 /RUGµ ² )RUJLYH ´2 /RUG ² Listen and Act! v. 19 ´0\ *RGµ -- for your own sake do not delay, for Your city and people are called by your name! The Appearance of Gabriel. At the time of the evening sacrifice, Daniel was greatly concerned; his emotions deeply stirred. Can you picture him, hands stretching out to God, fervent words pouring from his mouth: speaking, praying, confessing his sin and that of Israel, and presenting supplication (Daniel 9:20). ´'DQLHO SUD\HG IRU UHVWRUDWLRQ LQ DVSHFWV ,Q HIIHFW KH DVNHG *RG WR EULQJ EDFN ¶


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