The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
The book is presented in three chapters; in the first two WKH SURSKHW ´DUJXHV ZLWK *RG RYHU KLV ZD\V WKDW DSSHDU WR KLP XQIDWKRPDEOH LI QRW XQMXVW µ 9 +DEDNNXN·V YHUEDO ZUHV tling match with God was not just to show the weakness of the man. These are the plaguing questions that a whole nation will be asking: his questions and confession literally become a public expression of the sincere, seeking heart and finally, in the last chapter, a jubilant song of thanksgiving and praise. I like the way G. Campbell Morgan describes the contrast: Opening in mystery and questioning, it closes in certainty and affirmation. The contrast is startling. 7KH ILUVW LV DOPRVW D ZDLO RI GHVSDLU DQG WKH ODVW LV D VKRXW RI FRQILGHQFH« 7KH ERRN LV D PRYHPHQW from one to the other. 10 Question 1: Why are you, God, not punishing the evil in Judah? (1:2-4). The prophet comes on strongly ´SHUSOH[HG WKDW ZLFNHGQHVV VWULIH DQG RSSUHVVLRQ ZHUH UDPSDQW LQ -XGDK EXW *RG VHHPLQJO\ GLG QRWKLQJ µ 11 God, if You are indeed holy and cannot countenance sin, why are You not taking action? O LORD, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear... DQG 9 The NIV Study Bible, 1386. 10 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets , p. 94. 11 The NIV Study Bible, 1386. 12 ³, DP UDLVLQJ XS WKH &KDOGHDQV´ ³7KH &KDOGHDQV DUH D WULEH RI 6HPLWHV IURP 6RXWKHUQ %DE\ORQLD ZKR IUHHG themselves from Assyrian overlordship in 625 B.C. and who under the leadership of Nabopolassar became rulers of the Neo- %DE\ORQLDQ HPSLUH -RLQLQJ ZLWK WKH 0HGHV DQG 6F\WKLDQV WKH\ GHVWUR\HG 1LQHYHK LQ % & ´ /HZLV S 103
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