The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
The Book of Habakkuk Once again we have an important prophetic book, and yet we know nothing about the prophet except what can be inferred from the book itself. As MacArthur said ´ Internal information is virtually nonexistent, making conclusions about his identity and life conjectural. µ 1
Outline of the Book of Habakkuk
´+RZ ORQJ ZLOO *RG DOORZ -XGDK·V 6LQ WR JR XQSXQLVKHG"µ % *RG·V 5HSO\ -11): ´ Babylon ZLOO EH *RG·V URG RI MXGJPHQW µ & +DEDNNXN·V 6HFRQG 4XHVWLRQ -2:1): ´ How can God use a more wicked nation to judge His people? ' *RG·V 5HSO\ -20) ´7KH %DE\ORQLDQV ZLOO QRW HVFDSH ZRHV GHFUHHG DJDLQVW µ 1. Greed and Aggression (2:6-8) 2. Exploitation and Extortion (2:9-11) 3. Violence (2:12-14) 4. Immorality (2:15-18) 5. Idolatry (2:19-20) II. Prayer and Praise (3:1-19)
A. Petition: Revive Us, and Remember Mercy (3:1-2) B. Ȃȱ ¢ (3:3-4) C. Ȃȱ ȱǻřDZŚ -11) D. Ȃȱ ȱǻřDZŗŘ -15) E. Ȃȱ DZȱ ǷȱǻřDZŗŜ -19)
7KH SURSKHW·V QDPH LV XQXVXDO not appearing anywhere else in the Bible. It is not of Hebrew origin but possibly derived from the verb habaq, meaning to ´HPEUDFH µ 7KH QDPH FRXOG PHDQ ´HPEUDFHG E\ *RGµ DQG ´WKXV strengthene G E\ KLP IRU KLV GLIILFXOW WDVN« µ 2 Some feel it PHDQV ´ One Who Embraces µ or ´ Clings. µ $IWHU UHDGLQJ WKH ILUVW WZR FKDSWHUV \RX ZLOO SUREDEO\
1 The MacArthur Study Bible, p. 1316. 2 As, New Open Bible Study Bible, p. 1050.
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