The Lamb King - Sample Pages

Chapter 1 Creation (Before 4000 BC)

In the beginning was God. Almighty. Perfect. Eternal God… manifested in the form of God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. In His magnificent brilliance, through His spoken word, He created, “Let there be light!” Behold, the world came into ex- istence! He created the heavens and earth, the waters, vegeta- tion and animals. Then remarkably, in His own image, He formed man. He named him Adam. God instructed Adam about life and death, and for Adam’s own good, gave him specific boundaries to live within. God designed him with freedom of choice — he could choose to obey or disobey the protective boundaries. So that Adam would not be alone, God gave him a partner named Eve. God placed the two of them in a splendid garden, where God Himself would spend time walking and fellow- shipping with them in the cool of the evenings.


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