Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World
It was an amazing night of ministry that I have From Death to Life presentation was about to rock the Island of Key West and confront thousands of party people who probably thought hearing about Jesus Christ was the last thing they saw coming. On Saturday afternoon of the Parade, our Daystar Group sprang into action. Denny Nissley drove his 1971 jet black Cadillac hearse to Key West and we had it parked at the church. The hearse had been completely restored and looked brand spanking new. Some of the outreach team spent all day waxing and polishing the hearse for the big parade. We definitely planned to shine for Jesus. With an hour left before the parade began to wind its way through the masses from top to bottom of Key West, we took our place in the middle of the parade. Denny and I were dressed in black and white suits and dark sunglasses, resembling the infamous Blues Brothers. Denny was driving the hearse, and I was riding shotgun. We had six bodyguards, all of them also dressed as the Blues Brothers. The bodyguards took their places alongside the hearse. In the back window of Denny’s hearse, emblazoned in silver and black were the words , “Don’t Be Caught Dead Without Jesus.” Another sign in the hearse for the crowd to see read, “Eternity Will Be Hell Without Jesus.” Suddenly, the parade began to roll and our black Cadillac hearse, with bodyguards walking alongside, began to roll along the streets of Key West, smack dab in the middle of the Fantasy Festival Parade. never forgotten to this day.
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