Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Maybe we were fanatical. It is true, we were enthusiastically proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and we were unashamed to be true fans of Jesus. As people began to crowd around us, curious to see what we were all about, some of our team began passing out Gospel tracts and witnessing to those who had stopped to question us. As Sarge and I continued to sing and lift up the Lord, I noticed several small prayer groups beginning to break out as our team was leading many lost souls in the sinner’s prayer. Hallelujah! The angels in heaven were rejoicing over each sinner who repented and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We were busy rejoicing right along with them. Suddenly, as I looked beyond our gathering and across the downtown courtyard, my rejoicing turned into a heavy burden deep within my soul. I was taken by a sight that grieved my spirit. I was sure it grieved the Lord. About a dozen alternative-style teenagers had crowded into a group of their own and were mocking us and making fun of the powerful ministry the Lord was doing in their midst. They were belittling the Gospel and mimicking the praise and prayer they were witnessing. Several of them were smoking legally, as well as illegal cigarettes, many dressed in black jackets with chains, tattoos and metal piercings adorning their bodies. In the natural, they appeared to be a pretty rag tag bunch with no respect or understanding of the things of God at all.


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