Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Jesus and Shirley Martin I would be protected! Shirley was never afraid to get right in a pimp’s face if necessary. I was in hopes that if I just went out on the streets one time Shirley would leave me alone and I would never have to do it again in my life! About thirty seconds after we began walking down Sunset Boulevard toward a group of girls a young girl suddenly came running from the side of a building. Wow! What could be happening? Why was she in such a hurry? I was astonished to see that the teeny-bopper hooker was running straight to ME! Dear Lord, help me! What could she possibly want with me? She came right up to me and said, “Hi, I have to read your button!” As she read “I Love Jesus” she began to weep and cry out, “I knew He would send someone, I knew it, I knew it!” Carol then began to share her heart wrenching story with me. Carol was only fourteen years old! She had been raised in an Assembly of God church in Ohio. Her parents divorced and her lesbian aunt and her abusive lover had moved into the house with the family. Carol became very disillus ioned and didn’t understand the circumstances in her life. She rebelled and ran away from home. Carol met a “nice” man who wanted to help her. It turned out that the nice man was a pimp. Her pimp took her from Ohio to New York City and put her up in a hotel, fed her and bought nice clothes for her. He was very kind. Carol needed someone to show her kindness and a little tender loving care. It was only a few days later that the pimp let her know that he “owned” her, and she now owed him a lot. She was told that she was indebted to him. He told her the only way for her to repay him would be to become a prostitute. He told her that God had created her for this


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