Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

“ Bobby and Dot are reaching America ’s unreachable with the compassion and love of Christ… providing hope for the hopeless.”

Donnie Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Ministries Baton Rouge, LA

“ Street Stories reignited my passion for the power and simplicity of the Gospel. For some, this book is a discovery. For others, it represents a challenge to lay hold of something we once knew.”

Ralph Moore, Pastor Hope Chapel Foursquare Church Kaneohe, HI

“ Street Stories is a glimpse into Bobby and Dot’s remarkable journey of faith, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. But just a word of warning: You may find this account of what God has done and continues to do through their surrendered lives disturbing. Every time I try to settle into the comfortable suburban fortress insulating me from all this world’s pain, the image of the Chances running toward it deeply troubles me…but in a very good way. ”

Randy Boldt Pastor/Singer/Songwriter Los Angeles, CA


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