Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World
for you. Maybe I could bring you a blanket back tomorrow.”
He and I both knew without a warm blanket to help protect him from the bitter freeze, he may not make it until tomorrow. His eyes dropped. Just as he turned to walk away, the girls tugged on my pant leg. They made a bold declaration. “Dad,” they said, “We know where we can get a blanket for Ray!” I was trying to find an explanation for their statement. With growing excitement, they repeated themselves. “We know where we can get a blanket for Ray.” I was at a loss to know what they were talking about, but Ray became extremely interested in their certainty. I suddenly realized they were talking about a beautiful white eyelet lace comforter Dot’s mother had given us and we had not yet taken it out of the van. I had pictured that gorgeous white eyelet lace comforter adorning our bed with such beauty. But nothing was more beautiful than the look on our girls’ faces as they longed to run back to the van and present Ray with that big white blanket. In that moment, I realized more than ever that in a relationship with Jesus, He desires that we give everything we are to Him, holding nothing back. He desires that we serve Him with reckless abandon. He longs to change us into something beautiful. Once again, His Holy Spirit was challenging us to give it all… holding nothing back. “You know… that big white blanket in the van. We could go get it for him.”
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