Sing Into Your Storm
of our beloved child – cradling Rachel in her arms! Only it was n’t just me seeing this alone, or having some personal vision, because my wife too was literally and physically embracing the same experience of holding Rachel in her arms! It was truly happening in the natural realm of earth! Indescribable!! How could this be? I searched my wealth of the knowledge of Scriptures, trying to understand this Grace beyond imagination! The Lord then spoke clearly to my heart that we had about 15 minutes to behold our precious daughter. He made it known that when that time was up, we were to lift her up and release her into the eternal House of the Lord (Heaven) to dwell forever… into th e arms of Jesus! In that moment, we told our daughter how much we loved her, (as the moments raced by so fast). When the Lord signaled to us that it was time, I laid my hand upon her head and prayed a prayer of releasing her into Heaven.
When I finished, we both lifted her up before the Lord, and in a moment she was lifted up from us - ever to be with Jesus!
It would have been one thing if it had just been me experiencing this in the Spirit with my eyes closed. But to open my physical eyes and not only see it happening for real myself – in the natural realm, but for my wife also to be experiencing the same thing is beyond coincidence! We had confirmation!
“For out of the mouth of two or three witnesses are mat ters established…” (2 Corinthians 13:1)
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