Sing Into Your Storm

for us (already knowing she was likely not going to make it). As he prayed, he asked the Lord “What can I say to them?” Then the Lord spoke to him on the spot and told him “Tell them that David has a son who died ...” He told us that as soon as he arrived on the scene. We had never heard that story from the Bible before that moment. After an extensive interview with the local sheriff and other law enforcement personnel (standard procedure), my wife and I left the scene to go home – we just wanted to be alone. I knew I needed to call my family and let them know that our little precious Rachel Ann-Marie was gone. With deep heaviness, I relayed the story to my brother who had answered the phone, (who is also a Christian), and was quite startled when the first thing out of his mouth, he said “You know David had a son…” I was stunned! In less than 90 minutes, twice, we were given the same word. We knew there must be some application for us in this Bible story, so we looked it up and read about it.

The story is found in the book of 2 Samuel 12:16-23.

What particularly caught our attention was what King David did after he had learned that his child had died:

“ Then David got up from the floor, washed himself, put lotions on, and changed his clothes. Then he went into the L ORD ’s house to worship.” (2 Samuel 12:20)


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