Sing Into Your Storm
Lamb’s intention to create for Himself, a wife that will one-day sit with Him as co-regent, and rule and reign with Him on His Throne forever ? Enraptured in the Shekinah Glory of God’s Presence & Beauty incessantly, how might this news have affected Lucifer? We know from Scripture that something happened that came between Lucifer and the God who sits on the Throne… What shattering event could have taken Lucifer out of such a deep realm of glory? Could he have been jolted by the news that The Lamb was going to create a wife for Himself with far more privilege and relationship to God than even Lucifer enjoyed? Could that have been the very thing that obstructed his continuous worship of God for so long? Could this have birthed envy ? Could this have sent him over the edge? The Lamb’s Wife would be made in the express image of God and be joined to The Lamb forever, and sit with Him on His Throne which was something Lucifer would never have the privilege to do. Was it this revelation that began to spurn his hatred towards God and this new creation? So much so that it would fuel his ultimate determination to spend all his time and energy trying to hurt and separate this new creation from God, doing everything in his power to prevent her from ever attending her bridal day at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb ?
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