Sing Into Your Storm

formed company, that we will receive one million shares of Treasury Stock. If you are willing to do this, we can give you a check today for $200,000!” Like a cool cucumber, I told them I would pray about it and get back to them when I could… (Ha Ha) – I was ecstatic and completely undone both by the mighty breakthrough from God and of His incredible timing in it all! At that very moment, I am sure I knew what Jesus must have felt like when the Angels came and fed Him and ministered unto Him just after His 40 day fast in the Judean wilderness! I was speechless! The importance of prayer and praise in the midst of the storm became more real to me than most people will ever know! When the battle is raging fiercely and your heart is melting like wax… Sing into your storm! The rest is history my friend! We went on to build up a powerful company. Today we are the largest provider of communications systems to Police and Firefighter Departments all across America. We are in over 1,200 cities!! Our business systems are now used by The Social Security Administration, the Department of the Treasury, FDIC and the United States Secret Service! It has truly been a dream come true! All of this was made possible by learning to abide in God through sometimes excruciating circumstances, even when our soul is near faint. Power that can be released through prayer and praise – that can pierce through the storms that come into your life! The only way we can personally learn


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