Sing Into Your Storm

company is going down and there is nothing you can do about it! Where are you going to get nearly $100,000 in the next week? This company is gone, your home and car are gone, and you will probably be sued by next week, and your wife is surely going to leave you.” The gravity of the circumstances broke my heart into even smaller pieces! I drove home that day, facing the prospect that “Yes, from all appearances, it does look like this company is going down, but the one thing… the one thing I do have in the middle of this devastating trial is the fact that even though we are most likely sinking like the Titanic, at least we will go down knowing that we were obedient to what the Lord called us to do, regardless of the final outcome .” My heart was resolute on that matter, and that was what kept me going! All during this time, the heavens were like brass to me and I had not been hearing the sweet Voice of the Lord I was accustomed to hearing. I woke up that Saturday morning with such a heavy burden! I was hurt and discouraged! As I prayed and cried out to the Lord, suddenly His Presence filled the room, far stronger than I had felt for many months! Then I heard the Lord speak to me “Son, do you think I would entrust such a company to you with this kind of potential and not require you to rise up each business morning and seek My Face and My Counsel through the leading of the Holy Spirit? Do you think I would just let you make decisions that seem right in your eyes? I am calling you to rise up each morning and be on the job early enough to start each day with prayer and praise, seeking my Wisdom and My Counsel .”


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