Sing Into Your Storm ~ Overcoming Adversity Through High Praise

When storms hit our lives, we often default to try and bargain with God. “God if you heal her I will serve you for the rest of my life” or “God if you get me through this, I will never do this again etc.!” There is a huge challenge to our faith in moments like this where we must come to a place where we choose to totally relinquish the situation into the hands of God and do so unconditionally ! Through faith we must learn to fully choose to trust Him in the situation – as well as the outcome! Unto His will and purpose, even if it doesn’t match our expectation and hope in the matter. God always knows best! These are very hard lessons in life, but absolutely the wisest thing you can do. God is Faithful! God is Trustworthy! The fact of the matter is that if you knew everything that God knows concerning your situation, you too would agree with God’s decisions – and His ways! God’s plan is perfect! His decisions and judgments are righteous! He has proven Himself worthy of our complete trust over and over! But His plans take into account the long range outcome of a matter, not just the momentary crisis itself… something we forget so quickly, or never even take into consideration at all. So I went back and signed the 36 month lease. I entered into a place of faith that I had never been to before. So now I had this beautiful empty office space with beautiful carpet. All my seed money is gone. But it was planted in the right place! The Lord had also put within my heart to establish a multi- purpose function for the space so that it could also be used as a place for prayer in the evenings. I partnered with some


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