Sing Into Your Storm ~ Overcoming Adversity Through High Praise

the room, determined to try and lift up praise to Him for Rachel’s life, and thank Him for the four wonderful months we got to enjoy being her parents. It was so difficult to do…

Author’s Note:

What happened next is a matter of testimony… Please believe me when I say I greatly struggled when considering whether or not to publish the next part of this story with you. We have only shared this testimony with a very few select friends up to the time of writing this book. Now there will be many readers who will read this story and instantly believe in their hearts that it was absolutely through the Grace and Glory of God of what transpired... Others will be more doubtful and skeptical, and there will also be some who will adamantly not believe what occurred at all. I just want to say here and now - I truly honor all of you, and totally respect whatever position you may take on this story. Let this story be judged or weighed on a person by person basis. Once more, before I share this, I want to make it as clear as possible, the only reason my heart compels me to share this story is for the sake of the many readers who might forever be impacted in their hearts in seeing what God can do in the place of great tragedy and sorrow. How He comes and comforts us in the midst of our grief and sorrow. It is for their benefit I share this amazing story…


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