Sing Into Your Storm ~ Overcoming Adversity Through High Praise
timbrels and leading the children of Israel into triumphant praise as they marched right down into the sea , dancing, singing and declaring the faithfulness, power and Love of their God! What an amazing breakthrough they might have experienced through stirred faith, singing a prophetic song of deliverance, and witnessing the mighty hand of God coming and performing the very thing they were singing and declaring about - all with high praise being lifted up to God! Don’t you see - they sang the right song ; however, they sang it on the wrong side of the Red Sea? What can we learn here? The Bible says:
“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we, through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)
For the Lord has given you :
“A Living Hope…” (1 Peter 1:3).
In the midst of your storms, you have the same opportunity to do what the children of Israel did not … So take your eyes off the storm itself and all of the distracting circumstances and set your eyes upon Jesus, by entering into high praise unto the Lord Jesus Christ. You must learn to stay in a posture of praise, worship and Intercession until you too, see the Salvation of the Lord! Lift up your song unto the Lord. As your heart connects with the Lord He will become your strength and your song. He will become your Salvation - even in the midst of battle – so isn’t it time to move up to Higher Ground?
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