Sing Into Your Storm ~ Overcoming Adversity Through High Praise
Remember it was God who had intentionally led them to this specific place, (instead of taking them by way of the far more convenient road that led through Philistia towards Canaan). It was also the Lord who had hardened Pharaoh’s heart, causing him to relent about freeing the children of Israel and then deciding to go back after them again. It was God, who in His wisdom, had set this stage – there at the Sea of Reeds called “yam suph” in Hebrew (later referred to as the Red Sea).
Then the Lord spoke to Moses:
“Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward !” (Exodus 14:15)
Forward? That meant marching directly towards the water! So that was the plan God had for the children of Israel all along? Now the Lord had every intention of delivering His people... But He wanted to teach them His ways - by taking a step of faith first - in the midst of their first storm outside of Egypt. God was about to demonstrate to the most powerful ruler and most feared army upon the face of the earth, the raw Power, Glory and Faithfulness of the God of Israel! So Moses prophesied to them how the Lord was about to deliver them:
“Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord that He will accomplish for you today…The Lord will fight for you, and you shall see His peace.” (Exodus 14: 13-14)
In the same way, your God has every intention of delivering you through your storms too! He longs for you to set your eyes on Him, taking your first steps forward as you walk right in and through the impassible way, singing into your Red Sea!
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